Wednesday 20 November 2013

Of mice and men

When my gut says that the noise I'm hearing in the car is the scrabbling of mice, apparently I really SHOULD believe my gut. A new air filter, re-attached muffler, and a repaired strut = a MUCH quieter and smoother-riding vehicle!

Truck-driving brother was in town on Monday. I dragged him to dinner with my in-laws and we fed and socialized him for an hour or so. Very good times. My favorite story of the evening was when he told of parking his new-to-him semi in eldest brother's driveway. Nephew (~2 or 3 at the time) came out and stomped his foot, emphatically saying "Optimus, TRANSFORM!" several times. Ahh... the power of a father's influence.

I have a tentative exit date at work and a trainee to train.

A loved one has said the long goodbye to her grandmother. Thoughts are, and have been, with her.

I'm working 7 days a week and living with the in-laws. I'm being spoiled rotten.

Sold my car (poof goes that debt!)

We're on track to pay off another 1/3 of our non-mortgage debt before the end of the year.

House is still on the market. Nothing much happening there.

Goats are moved to their new home. Across the street from my in-laws!! :-D

Calves are getting shipped to Iowa next week (I won't be riding along to see the sale/visit family.)

Another truckload is tentatively planned for the January 22nd sale.

I haven't strapped on my roller derby skates since September.

Hockey season has started without me signing up for the team.

I finally retired my old flip phone and have the new iPhone 5. OH MY GOSH FACETIME IS AMAZING.

Oh hey, Thanksgiving is next week. Where did Sept/Oct/Nov go?!?!

And that, in a nutshell, is what has (and hasn't) been going on the last several months.